Equality & Diversity at JDE Professional UK

More than simply treating everyone alike

JDE Professional is committed to ensuring its workplace is fair and equal. Equality, diversity and inclusion are core values and at the heart of future policy development

Our commitment

  • That individuals who contact JDE Professional are treated with respect.
  • That opportunities are available on a non-discriminatory basis.
  • To provide a supportive and welcoming environment for staff and visitors.

JDE Professional seeks to be inclusive and accessible. Through its policies and actions, it aims to integrate the principle of equal treatment into all aspects of its day-to-day business.

Defining equality, diversity and inclusion

Equal treatment involves much more than simply treating everyone alike; it requires a recognition that some groups and individuals have particular and specific needs that need to be met in a range of different or more flexible ways if they are to enjoy equality.

We celebrate and value the differences between individuals’ cultural, social and intellectual contribution to JDE Professional and seek to promote greater mutual understanding between groups and individuals who reflect these differences. We embrace the talents and experiences that each and every individual can bring to the wider business.


We're always looking for passionate individuals to join us on our journey. If you'd like to see what opportunities there are near you, click the link below.

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