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Sustainable Coffee


Certification and verification programs are a valuable means of improving sustainable coffee and tea production and guaranteeing honest prices for our farmers.

At Jacobs Douwe Egberts we offer our customers the choice of a wide range of certified and verified coffees and teas from diverse origins.

Jacobs Douwe Egberts wants to contribute to a better world for people and nature and that’s why we buy sustainable coffee beans from Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified™ farms.

UTZ is now part of the Rainforest Alliance, the two organizations joined forces in 2018 to create a better future for people and nature. The Rainforest Alliance works at the centre of business, agriculture and forests, towards a world in which people and nature can thrive together.

The frog in the Rainforest Alliance seal is the perfect symbol of this mission. As an indicator species, the presence of the frog is a positive sign that the natural ecosystem is balanced and thriving. When we no longer see the frog, we know that the environment is compromised and other species within that ecosystem will soon suffer if we don’t do something urgently.

That’s why we ask you to follow the frog – to make choices that help. By choosing products that carry the frog or Utz seal, you are supporting farmers in taking steps to make this product more sustainable, creating a better future for people and nature. Because only by working together can we create a world where we thrive together.

A responsible coffee for every cup

Common Grounds

We are an out-of-home coffee business committed to providing our customers with a responsible coffee for every cup! We continuously strive to maintain our position as pioneers in sustainable coffee production.

JDE Common Grounds is a responsible sourcing programme developed in partnership between JDE and Rainforest Alliance designed to continuously improve the social and environmental conditions in origins where coffee, tea and palm oil are grown.

Our Commitments

JDE has two main commitments with respect to sourcing of coffee, tea and palm oil:

  • Working towards 100% responsibly sourced coffee, tea and palm oil by 2025
  • Directly reaching over 500.000 smallholder coffee and tea farmers by 2025

Under Common Grounds, we source coffee, tea and palm oil that is either certified or verified or sourced from origins where JDE jointly addresses priority social and environmental challenges through impactful engagement with our suppliers and farmers. We also partner with relevant governments, NGO's and civil society. Since 2015, we have invested over $80 million in responsibly sourced coffee, tea and palm oil.

To found out more about our corporate responsibility please visit:

Our solutions

If you're looking to be more sustainable with your coffee, then we're here to help. We have sustainable solutions for bean to cup, liquid and capsule machines.

Liquid Roast

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Our liquid roast solutions not only provide great quality coffee, but also support a sustainable coffee ecosystem.

Bean to Cup

If you're looking for traditional bean-to-cup machines, we've got solutions that look, smell and taste great, whilst also providing sustinable coffee.


Looking for a capsule machine? Find out more about our sustainable coffee capsule solutions.